- Theme Name: Noelle - Christmas Landing Page Template
- Latest Version: 1.2.0
Thank you for purchasing my theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!
General Information
- 'Happy New Years' text angle are provided with 'Custom.js' file in 'bindYourMessageArc' function.
The deer head animation appears at the bottom right on screens which have bigger than 1600px, has made with 'bigScreenShow' function in 'Custom.js' folder.
E-Card's post process has made in 'Custom.js' folder 'send' class click function.
For sending E-Mail in the 'mail.php' folder 'imageUrl', 'Host', 'Username', 'Password', 'From', 'Subject' areas have to change by yourself. (imageUrl : 'in the mailing used pictures hosted url')
Theme Features
- Count down for new year.
- 3D Snow Effect.
- Html5 music player.
- Submission form for the new year special e-card.
- Social media icons.
- Twitter widget.
- Youtube video player.
- Google Map v3 ready with custom styles
- Open pages with folding effect.
Count Down
In the upper right corner, countdown for 01/01/2014. Countdown to which date you are able to adjust in the 'index.html' folder under 'Inline Scripts' with 'TargetDate' value.
3D Snow Effect
Loading to pages with method in 'Custom.js' folder under 'Snow Effect Bind' comment.
Music Player
Related code there in the 'loadingVisible' method at 'Custom.js' folder.
You can have detail information here.
E-Card Sending Area
Click the mail icon in the footer for to open the area.
You can mail sent to your friend. (Scheme in : mail.php)
Just sent an email to the email address entered.
Social Media Icons
You can see by clicking golden colored star on tree.
- Flickr
- Youtube
- Dribble
- Deviantart
- LastFm
Twitter Widget
Please follow steps at bottom for Twitter Widget;
- Enter the Twitter accounts settings.
- Enter the left menu’s components parts.
- Click create new button in the upper right.
- Click make component button.
- Click back to component settings page button.
- Click edit component link.
- Copy to showing with 'XXX' number in this URL (https://twitter.com/settings/widgets/XXX/edit)
- Change sending 'fetch' method at parameters 'YOUR WIDGET ID' (replace that number -> 397750117039501313) writing in 'twitterFetcher_v16.js' @line140 with copied number.
Youtube Video Player
Added with iframe. You can see by clicking ball on tree.You can change your own video link in 'Custom.js' folder under 'Youtube Video Set' comment line.
Google Map v3
Loading with 'bindGoogleMap' function in 'Custom.js'. Given Custom stiller. İn same method can change coordinates.
Folding Effect
The stars on tree, with bell and ball icons opening some small pages.Used folding effect opening on them.
Related function is 'pFoldStart' function in 'Custom.js' folder.